Finding Joy in the Present Moment

finding joy in the present moment mindfulness

Finding joy in the present moment is a profound and transformative practice that can greatly enhance our overall well-being and happiness. You may not believe this is possible, and I understand that. I too, many years ago, was skeptical until I daily put this practice into my life. In a fast-paced and constantly evolving world, where distractions abound and concerns about the future and past regrets can consume our thoughts, the idea of living in the present moment may appear challenging to grasp. However, it is a valuable skill that deserves our attention and effort to develop. By focusing on the here and now, we can find a sense of peace and fulfillment amidst the chaos of everyday life.

How do I live in the moment? To truly live in the moment, one must cultivate a heightened awareness of your present experiences, thoughts, and surroundings. This involves consciously shifting attention away from worries about the future or regrets about the past, and instead focusing on the here and now. It requires a deliberate effort to engage fully with one’s current activities, whether it’s savoring a meal, listening attentively to a friend, or simply observing the sensations of breathing. By doing so, you can reduce stress, increase your appreciation for life’s simple pleasures, and develop a deeper connection with yourself and others.

Living in the moment doesn’t mean ignoring responsibilities or planning for the future; rather, it’s about finding a balance and bringing a sense of presence and engagement to all aspects of life. With practice, one can learn to quiet the constant chatter of the mind and experience a greater sense of peace, clarity, and fulfillment in your daily experiences.

Let Go of The Past & Worries of The Future

The first step towards finding joy in the present is fully engaging with the here and now. This means letting go of regrets, worries, and preoccupations about what has already happened or might happen in the future and immersing ourselves in the beauty and simplicity of the present moment. This takes practice, patience, and time to accomplish. Trust me, this does work, but you need to put energy into this practice. By doing so, we can discover a profound sense of contentment and fulfillment that often eludes us when we are preoccupied with the past or future.

Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is one of the keys to finding joy in the present moment. Mindfulness involves paying deliberate attention to the present moment without judgment. Observing our thoughts, sensations, and surroundings with curiosity and acceptance can cultivate a deep sense of presence. This presence allows us to savor the small pleasures of life, connect more authentically with others, and find joy in the simplest of activities.

As a life and business coach focused on guiding people toward inner peace, this topic of mindfulness is particularly relevant and important. Let me share a brief history of how mindfulness has evolved over time.

  1. Ancient Roots (500 BCE – 500 CE):
    • Mindfulness has its origins in ancient Eastern spiritual traditions, particularly Buddhism.
    • The concept of “sati” (mindfulness) was a key component of the Buddha’s teachings.
    • Early Buddhist texts like the Satipatthana Sutta outlined mindfulness meditation practices.
  2. Eastern Spread (500 CE – 1800s):
    • Mindfulness practices spread throughout Asia, evolving within various Buddhist traditions.
    • Different schools of Buddhism (Zen, Theravada, Tibetan) developed their own mindfulness techniques.
  3. Western Introduction (Late 1800s – 1970s):
    • Eastern philosophy and meditation practices began to gain interest in the West.
    • Influential figures like D.T. Suzuki and Alan Watts introduced Zen concepts to Western audiences.
    • The 1960s counterculture movement sparked wider interest in Eastern spirituality and meditation.
  4. Secular Adaptation (1970s – 1990s):
    • Jon Kabat-Zinn developed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in 1979.
    • MBSR marked a significant shift, presenting mindfulness in a secular, scientific context.
    • Research on mindfulness and its benefits began to grow in academic and medical communities.
  5. Mainstream Acceptance (1990s – Present):
    • Mindfulness gained popularity in psychology, with the development of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).
    • Corporations, schools, and healthcare institutions began incorporating mindfulness programs.
    • Technological advancements led to the creation of mindfulness apps and online resources.
  6. Scientific Validation (2000s – Present):
    • Neuroscience research has provided evidence for the benefits of mindfulness on brain structure and function.
    • Studies have shown positive effects on stress reduction, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.
    • Mindfulness has been integrated into various therapeutic approaches and wellness programs.
    • Ongoing research continues to explore new applications and benefits of mindfulness practices.

This brief history showcases how mindfulness has evolved from ancient spiritual practices to a widely accepted and scientifically supported approach to well-being. In my personal life and as a life and business coach, I find that incorporating mindfulness techniques can be incredibly beneficial for clients seeking to enhance their personal and professional lives.

Remove Distractions

In today’s fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with notifications, tasks, and stimuli that distract us from the here and now. These distractions can create a sense of restlessness and prevent us from fully immersing ourselves in the present moment.

Distractions often lead to fragmented attention, making it difficult to fully engage in what we are doing. By intentionally eliminating distractions, such as turning off notifications on our devices or finding a quiet space, we can focus more intensely on the task or experience. This heightened focus allows us to appreciate the details and nuances of the present moment, leading to a deeper sense of joy and satisfaction.

Savor Moments of Beauty

Try to notice and savor moments of beauty in your daily life. Whether it’s a breathtaking sunset, a blooming flower, or a heartwarming smile from a loved one, taking the time to appreciate these moments can bring a sense of wonder and joy. Try to be fully present and engage your senses in these experiences to amplify their impact on your well-being.


Finding joy in the present moment is possible by practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness contributes positively to stress reduction, emotional control, and overall wellness. It’s incorporated into numerous therapeutic methods and wellness programs. Current research is investigating new uses and advantages of mindfulness practices. Eliminating distractions enables us to completely immerse ourselves in the present and appreciate finer details. Relishing beautiful moments induces feelings of awe and happiness. By adopting these strategies, finding joy in the present moment is possible, improving our capacity to experience joy in the present and foster a more satisfying life.

Let Lifesjourney guide you in strategies for your personal joy and happiness. Check out our coaching page, or call us: (240) 587-7854‬.

10 Key Benefits of Coaching You Need to Know

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves seeking ways to improve our lives and reach our full potential. This is where coaching comes in, offering a powerful tool to unlock personal and professional growth. The benefits of coaching extend far beyond simple advice-giving, as it has an impact on various aspects of our lives, from goal-setting to self-awareness and productivity. Taking time for yourself by seeing a life coach is not selfish. Click here to read a previous article I wrote on that topic.

We’re excited to explore the key advantages that coaching brings to the table. Whether you’re considering working with a life coach or looking to enhance your leadership skills, understanding these benefits can help you make informed decisions about your personal development journey. From gaining clarity on your goals to boosting your performance, we’ll dive into how coaching can be a game-changer in your quest for success and fulfillment.

Clarity and Goal Setting

We believe that one of the most significant benefits of coaching is its ability to provide clarity and help in setting meaningful goals. Coaching serves as a catalyst for personal and professional growth by offering tailored guidance and support [1]. Through our coaching sessions, we engage in targeted conversations and use skillful questioning to unlock insights and foster self-awareness [1].

Defining personal and professional objectives

In our coaching partnership, we work together to identify your desired outcomes, both short-term and long-term. We help you formulate goals with clarity, specificity, and relevance, ensuring you have a clear vision of what you aim to achieve [1]. Our approach involves active listening and open communication to gain insights into your needs, preferences, and constraints [1].

We use the SMART goals framework to ensure your objectives are aligned with your vision [2]. This process helps us co-create goals that resonate with your values and ambitions [1]. We also focus on setting realistic and achievable milestones within your given context and resources, fostering a sense of progress and motivation [1].

Creating actionable plans

Once we’ve established your goals, we guide you in breaking them down into actionable tasks, creating a structured roadmap for progress [1]. This involves:

  1. Identifying specific actions
  2. Setting timelines
  3. Allocating resources to ensure effective execution [1]

We work collaboratively to devise strategies that suit your strengths, preferences, and circumstances [1]. By customizing approaches, we ensure that your action plans are aligned with your unique attributes and facilitate sustainable change [1].

Overcoming obstacles

An essential part of our coaching process is helping you anticipate and overcome challenges that may arise during goal pursuit [1]. Through open dialog, we assist in identifying potential obstacles and co-create strategies to address them proactively [1].

We provide a supportive space for self-reflection, helping you uncover strengths and align your life with your values [2]. In the business realm, we offer strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving professional goals [2].

By working together, we empower you to navigate through challenges, maximize your potential, and achieve your desired outcomes [1].

Enhanced Self-Awareness

We believe that self-awareness is a cornerstone of personal and professional growth. It’s the foundation upon which emotional intelligence is built and a key driver of self-control [3]. By developing self-awareness, we can evaluate ourselves with a degree of objectivity, recognizing both our strengths and weaknesses [3].

Identifying strengths and weaknesses

In our coaching sessions, we guide you to recognize your strengths and build upon them while addressing your weaknesses effectively [4]. This process involves analyzing your day-to-day activities, listening for patterns in how you speak about your work, and conducting strengths-based interviews [5]. We encourage you to take inventory of your performance reviews, awards, and feedback from colleagues and loved ones [6]. This comprehensive approach helps uncover blind spots and provides a well-rounded view of your capabilities [6].

Recognizing limiting beliefs

We help you transform self-limiting beliefs into empowering ones that align with your objectives [4]. By examining your thought patterns, we can identify beliefs that may be holding you back. This process of self-reflection and feedback facilitates exploration of your current behaviors, values, attitudes, and perceptions [7]. We work together to break unhealthy behavior patterns and develop new, constructive outlooks that drive positive change [7].

Developing emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your emotions in positive ways [7]. Through our coaching, we help you develop skills to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, and overcome challenges [7]. We introduce techniques such as mindfulness and meditation to enhance your emotional management [4]. By improving your emotional intelligence, you’ll be better equipped to navigate complex work and life situations, leading to stronger personal and professional relationships [3].

Improved Performance and Productivity

We believe that coaching plays a crucial role in enhancing performance and productivity. Through our coaching sessions, we guide you to develop essential skills that can significantly impact your professional growth and efficiency.

Time management techniques

We help you master time management skills, which are vital for organizing and prioritizing tasks effectively. By implementing these techniques, you’ll be able to meet deadlines without undue stress and reduce reliance on others [8]. Our coaching approach emphasizes proactive task management, enabling you to support your personal and professional goals more effectively [8].

To improve your time management, we introduce strategies such as:

  1. Planning and scheduling
  2. Record-keeping
  3. Stress management [8]

We also help you leverage digital tools that best suit your needs, ensuring you stay on top of your responsibilities [8].

Prioritization strategies

Prioritization is a critical skill that we focus on during our coaching sessions. We teach you to focus your time and energy on what’s most important and will have the biggest impact [9]. One effective method we use is the Eisenhower Matrix, which helps you quickly categorize tasks based on their urgency and importance [9].

We encourage you to:

  1. Align your work with your values and the company’s goals
  2. Focus on one task at a time to avoid distractions
  3. Regularly evaluate your progress and adjust as needed [9]

Personal Growth and Development

We believe that coaching is a powerful tool to unlock your potential and maximize your performance [11]. Through our coaching sessions, we guide you on a journey of personal growth and development, helping you step out of your comfort zone and into new realms of possibility.

Building confidence

Our approach focuses on building your self-confidence, which is crucial for achieving your dreams [12]. We help you quiet your inner critic and reconnect with your core passions and beliefs [12]. By highlighting your natural strengths and acknowledging your progress, we foster a sense of empowerment that allows you to trust your instincts and move your life in a positive direction [13].

Developing new skills

We work with you to identify areas for skill development and create action plans to acquire new abilities [11]. Our coaching process involves setting clear, achievable goals that act as a roadmap for your growth [14]. We provide ongoing support to ensure that you not only achieve these goals but also maintain your progress over time [14].

Expanding comfort zones

Stepping out of your comfort zone is essential for personal growth. We gently nudge you beyond familiar routines, helping you recognize the cost of staying within your comfort zone versus the benefits of embracing change [14]. Through our coaching, we support you in facing challenges, breaking through limitations, and seeking solutions [11]. This process leads to greater confidence, improved problem-solving skills, and increased adaptability [11].


Coaching has a profound influence on personal and professional growth, offering a range of benefits that can transform lives. From gaining clarity on goals to boosting self-awareness and performance, coaching provides the tools and support needed to unlock potential. It empowers individuals to overcome obstacles, develop new skills, and step out of their comfort zones, leading to increased confidence and productivity.

The journey of self-improvement through coaching is ongoing, with each step bringing new insights and opportunities for growth. Whether you’re looking to enhance your career, improve relationships, or simply live a more fulfilling life, coaching can be a valuable ally in your journey.

To take the next step in your personal development, reach out to the life coaches at Lifesjourney Life Coaching: 240-587-7854‬. By embracing the power of coaching, you open doors to new possibilities and pave the way for a brighter, more successful future.


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