
happy happiness change

Why Aren’t You Happy? How To Change That

By Chris Shea | July 13, 2020

Why aren’t you happy? This is a question we often ask ourselves, answering ourselves with excuses we tell ourselves. Can I be happy? Sure, you can, but are you sure you want to be happy?  I find that today, listening to the news and hearing people bickering about politics is not easy to be happy.…

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angry at society

Angry At Society – how to feel peaceful not hatred

By Chris Shea | June 29, 2020

Angry at society appears to be the primary emotion of our time. As this angry feeling festers, it can lead to feeling hatred. Yes, there is also kindness found in society, and I do know people who are not angry. What can we do with our angry emotions so that we can turn them into…

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make a difference

How To Cope And Positively Make A Difference In Society

By Chris Shea | June 15, 2020

I’m re-writing this article to help me process my feelings and mental struggles with all that is happening in my country. I originally wrote this piece back in 2015, yet I feel it remains appropriate for 2020. I, and others, struggle with a response to what we are feeling as there are so many diverse…

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new normal covid

The New Normal – 7 Valuable Lesson Opportunities To Learn Now

By Chris Shea | June 8, 2020

The “new normal” is a phrase that has entered our everyday speech, along with phrases such as “social distancing,” “physical distancing,” or “PPE.” Due to COVID-19 pandemic, our lives have been changed. The questions are, how much longer will our lives be changed, and will our lives ever be what they were before?  Therefore, the…

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future worries me COVID-19 coronavirus

The Future Worries Me – As It Should: Coronavirus version

By Chris Shea | May 25, 2020

Yes, the future worries me. Interestingly, a year ago, I wrote and published this article on worrying about the future. Little did I know that a year later, this topic would be most appropriate.  As we continue to struggle with the societal effects of COVID-19, the future worries me. It’s, seemingly, more unsure than ever…

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Easter reflection booklet

An Easter Spiritual Reflection Booklet

By Chris Shea | April 6, 2020

I’m pleased to share this booklet of my spiritual journey through my reflections from Palm Sunday to Easter. On each day I leave us challenges to guide us to deeper understandings of the feelings of the season which leads us to hope and inner peace. There’s also an APP version to keep on your phone or…

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path happiness life coaching

PATH Finding Your Inner Peace And Happiness infographic

By Chris Shea | March 30, 2020

Do you want a way to find happiness and inner peace in life? Follow my PATH. {loadmoduleid 140}

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coronavirus anxiety

Coronavirus: How To Emotionally Cope And Reduce Anxiety

By Chris Shea | March 2, 2020

Coronavirus continues to spread around the world and the USA. This spread of the virus is causing people to suffer from anxiety and even panic. Fearing they will be affected by the coronavirus, people are changing their lifestyles, even avoiding social situations. How can we realistically emotionally cope with the coronavirus? Follow the PATH. Coronavirus,…

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pain management mindfulness

Pain Management: How To Use Mindfulness To Find Peace

By Chris Shea | February 24, 2020

Pain management, typically utilized for those suffering from chronic pain issues, is popular for those choosing not to use narcotics for pain relief. According to a recent study mindfulness, a practice I speak of often has now been scientifically proven to help those suffering from chronic pain. As I’ve previously shared, I too suffer from…

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social connectedness

Social Connectedness And Addiction: The Unparalleled Key To Success

By Chris Shea | February 5, 2020

Social connectedness is what I feel is the key to a life of recovery from addiction. Social connectedness is that which holds us, as a society, together in support of each other. We function as a group of individuals in our ability to sense and believe in social connectedness. But what happens when I lose…

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