
addiction is a family illness

How To Cope When Addiction Runs In The Family

By Chris Shea | September 5, 2017

Nowadays, the unfortunate reality is that many of us have been affected in some way by addiction. We personally may not be the person suffering from the addiction but odds are there is someone in your family or circle of friends who either is currently addicted or is working on a program of recovery. The…

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Mindfulness find your inner peace

How To Find Your Inner Peace

By Chris Shea | August 15, 2017

As a counselor and a life coach, it is unfortunate that I wasn’t provided any formal education to prepare me to use mindfulness. But, after becoming personally aware of mindfulness and how it led me to find my inner peace, I made it my mission to teach people how to find your inner peace. Historically,…

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mindfulness in adversity

6 Tips For Practicing Mindfulness When Upset

By Chris Shea | August 11, 2017

In an instant life can become hectic and chaotic. Just when we think we have life all figured out, and our path forward appears to be straight; adversity happens! All the talk of mindfulness, living in the moment, and meditation seem to fall short in light of the adversity and chaotic realities of life. Platitudes…

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personal power

Steps On How To Gain Personal Power

By Chris Shea | August 10, 2017

Who doesn’t want to be in control? We spend a tremendous amount of effort and energy in controlling our lives and our environment, only to be “surprised” when our efforts fail. Even though we convince ourselves that we are in control of our life and environment, the reality is that we aren’t in control of…

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we are not helpless in adversity

Successfully Coping With Adversity

By Chris Shea | August 1, 2017

In today’s day and age, who hasn’t been affected by adversity of some sort? It is the rare yet fortunate person who lives life unaffected by any pain or suffering. Living life means we take chances and place our trust and faith in other people and society. This trust in others can be betrayed while…

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book The Journey To Inner Peace Starts Here

NEW Book “The Journey To Inner Peace Starts Here”

By Chris Shea | July 23, 2017

Since the founding of Lifesjourney as a blog, I have continuously been focused on guiding us (myself included) toward finding inner peace. Finally, the moment has come that I can offer all of you a book. This book “The Journey To Inner Peace Starts Here” is a short reflection on the first steps needed to…

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bird in window showing mindful, peaceful living

The Five Mindfulness Trainings For A Peace Filled Life

By Chris Shea | July 14, 2017

A few years ago, while travelling through South Carolina, I was touring an old barn when I noticed, above me in the ceiling, a large bird was frantically trying to escape the barn. The bird continued to fly into the closed window in its frantic desire to escape the barn. Attempt after attempt, nothing changed…

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aircraft, life coaching, self-care

Taking Time For Me Is Important And Possible

By Chris Shea | June 30, 2017

Taking care of oneself is key to finding inner peace, yet most of us don’t take the time to care for ourselves. Why is this? Most of us would probably respond that we don’t have the time, or that we feel selfish if we were to do things for yourself. Many of us put others’…

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life coaching and sport coaching- here why you need it

Life Coaching – Why Do I Need It?

By Chris Shea | June 16, 2017

Do you find yourself feeling anxious or stressed? Maybe life isn’t the way you expected and you aren’t sure how best to cope. Do you find yourself needing goals and a path toward the future? I know I have answered yes to these questions at different times in my life. Who hasn’t? These are typical…

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Chris Shea interview WJZ

How I Became Self-confident And Happy

By Chris Shea | June 2, 2017

The other day I was asked “Have you always been this self-confident? Do you ever doubt yourself?” I was somewhat taken aback by these questions as I don’t typically think of myself as confident. My current life activities consists of family, life coaching, counseling, writing, teaching at a university and college, hosting a podcast, giving…

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