Finding Inner Peace

stress reduction

How To Feel Inner Peace By Changing Perspective

By Chris Shea | May 8, 2018

Inner peace is possible if we change our perspective to control what we can control. Peace of mind is in our thoughts and feelings. Who doesn’t like to feel in control of life? Experiencing peace of mind is part of our human condition; believing that we have control over our lives. In actuality, we have…

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Finding True Gratitude Through Mindfulness And Action

Finding True Gratitude Through Mindfulness And Action

By Chris Shea | November 21, 2017

For as long as I can remember, November is a special month for me. Why? Well, autumn is in full swing and the holiday season is just around the corner! November is also a special month for me since it’s a time which inspires gratitude. During this month many of us take time from our…

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pursuit of inner peace

5 Reasons Why Inner Peace Is Important

By Chris Shea | October 23, 2017

So many of us are seeking inner peace that the question of why inner peace is important comes to the forefront. Inner peace is a concept which I speak and write about quite frequently. For me, the pursuit of inner peace is more important and vital then the search for happiness or success. Happiness is…

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Mindfulness find your inner peace

How To Find Your Inner Peace

By Chris Shea | August 15, 2017

As a counselor and a life coach, it is unfortunate that I wasn’t provided any formal education to prepare me to use mindfulness. But, after becoming personally aware of mindfulness and how it led me to find my inner peace, I made it my mission to teach people how to find your inner peace. Historically,…

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we are not helpless in adversity

Successfully Coping With Adversity

By Chris Shea | August 1, 2017

In today’s day and age, who hasn’t been affected by adversity of some sort? It is the rare yet fortunate person who lives life unaffected by any pain or suffering. Living life means we take chances and place our trust and faith in other people and society. This trust in others can be betrayed while…

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book The Journey To Inner Peace Starts Here

NEW Book “The Journey To Inner Peace Starts Here”

By Chris Shea | July 23, 2017

Since the founding of Lifesjourney as a blog, I have continuously been focused on guiding us (myself included) toward finding inner peace. Finally, the moment has come that I can offer all of you a book. This book “The Journey To Inner Peace Starts Here” is a short reflection on the first steps needed to…

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aircraft, life coaching, self-care

Taking Time For Me Is Important And Possible

By Chris Shea | June 30, 2017

Taking care of oneself is key to finding inner peace, yet most of us don’t take the time to care for ourselves. Why is this? Most of us would probably respond that we don’t have the time, or that we feel selfish if we were to do things for yourself. Many of us put others’…

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life coaching and sport coaching- here why you need it

Life Coaching – Why Do I Need It?

By Chris Shea | June 16, 2017

Do you find yourself feeling anxious or stressed? Maybe life isn’t the way you expected and you aren’t sure how best to cope. Do you find yourself needing goals and a path toward the future? I know I have answered yes to these questions at different times in my life. Who hasn’t? These are typical…

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Angry At The World? Use That Anger For Good

By ryan | January 23, 2017

Maybe it’s just me, but it appears that anger is the main emotion of our time. Yes, there is kindness, and I do meet people who are not angry; yet, of the people I meet, more display anger than who display kindness. I don’t think my experience is abnormal. In a study conducted a year…

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Coping with the stress of the holidays

By ryan | December 4, 2016

“All we have is the present moment. Focus on it; don’t miss an experience by living outside of the current moment.” – Chris Shea This time of the year, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, is expected to typically be a time of joy, family gatherings, and the celebration of traditions. This is a time…

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