Personal Empowerment


Tips For Positive Living When I Feel Stuck In Life

By Chris Shea | March 22, 2018

Do you feel it? There is a change in the air. The sun is a bit brighter and warmer, the air is losing its crispness, and the flowers are beginning to bloom! Where I live I know that Spring is coming by the position of the sun at sunset while I hear the cries of…

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How To Make A Resolution A Positive Goal

By Chris Shea | February 8, 2018

“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” – Peter Drucker As the new year began many of us made resolutions for ourselves with healthy living intentions. We resolved to make our life better, to be healthier, to be successful, overall to be different from who we’ve been. But now, as…

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How To Be Caring With People Not Feeling The Holiday Joy

How To Be Caring With People Not Feeling The Holiday Joy

By Chris Shea | December 15, 2017

I don’t think there is any other time of the year which evokes such strong emotions as does this time of the year. For some of us we are excited, joyous, filled with wonder and anticipation! We visit family and friends, host parties and gatherings, spreading joy everywhere we go! But yet there are some…

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Have A Positive Life Through Mindful Imagination

Have A Positive Life Through Mindful Imagination

By Chris Shea | November 28, 2017

As I’ve grown older I realize that I’m not as creative as I was as a child. Whether that’s actually true or just my perception, it’s my current reality. Children have a sense of wonder about them, partly because many of their life experiences are new to them. I watch the reaction on the face…

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self love

How To Cultivate Self Love

By Chris Shea | September 13, 2017

To cultivate self love is such an important aspect for our health yet many of us either don’t think of loving ourselves or feel that we are unworthy of self love. To love is not an easy task yet we find it much easier to love others then to love ourselves. Why is this? I…

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personal power

Steps On How To Gain Personal Power

By Chris Shea | August 10, 2017

Who doesn’t want to be in control? We spend a tremendous amount of effort and energy in controlling our lives and our environment, only to be “surprised” when our efforts fail. Even though we convince ourselves that we are in control of our life and environment, the reality is that we aren’t in control of…

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Chris Shea interview WJZ

How I Became Self-confident And Happy

By Chris Shea | June 2, 2017

The other day I was asked “Have you always been this self-confident? Do you ever doubt yourself?” I was somewhat taken aback by these questions as I don’t typically think of myself as confident. My current life activities consists of family, life coaching, counseling, writing, teaching at a university and college, hosting a podcast, giving…

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tips for finding hope in winter

By ryan | December 21, 2016

“In winter we lead a more inward life. Our hearts are warm and cheery, like cottages under drifts, whose windows and doors are half concealed, but from whose chimneys the smoke cheerfully ascends.”  Henry David Thoreau My house after the first of two blizzards to hit in 2010 (credit: Blog Author) Today, our planet is…

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pexels photo 14122

Tips For Helping Those Who Are Suffering During The Holidays

By ryan | December 11, 2016

To quote a popular song of the season: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” While this sentiment may be true for many of us, it is not necessarily the shared sentiment of everyone. As the end of the year mark’s a time for celebrations, holidays, and traditions which bring together families and spark…

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fall, autumn, life, journey, reflect, meditate, season, spirituality, God, Christ, Jesus, wonder, why, ponder, stress, anxiety

autumn: learning from change

By lifesjourneyblog | September 22, 2016

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 Fall scene in MA (credit: Blog author) Way back in the 1980’s I took this photo while I lived in a small town in western Massachusetts.  Most people I know tend to get excited, perk up, prepare for, and…

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