How To Overcome Fear But We Need Fear To Live

overcome fear

To overcome fear, one needs to believe they will be happy on the other side, and that getting to the other side of fear is possible. Knowing and believing are two very different attitudes. In this article, I use my own childhood fear as an example throughout. Keep in mind, we need fear to live,…

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Life Management Tips For A Happy Life

life management

Life management became the focus of my live interview on the LA radio show “Ask Brien.” This business-focused show turned into a life coaching episode as the topic of time management easily and quickly moved into life management. Check out the full interview below. The host asked me to define and talk about time management,…

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How To Find Peace In The Holiday Stress

holiday stress

The time of the year between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is filled with high expectation leading us into holiday stress. The expectation for perfection is great, causing us stress and a lack of peace when we desire this to be a time of joy with the celebration of family traditions. Here are my 4…

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Life Coaching Packages

life coaching chris shea

Life Coaching Packages “Thank you for your interest in a life coaching package! We look forward to working with you in accomplishing your goals and in finding inner peace. If you have any questions, please contact us.” -Chris Shea Life Coaching Subscription Service:  $100/month Topic-driven, pre-recorded video content with asynchronous interaction. Depending on the topic,…

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How To Feel Inner Peace By Changing Perspective

stress reduction

Inner peace is possible if we change our perspective to control what we can control. Peace of mind is in our thoughts and feelings. Who doesn’t like to feel in control of life? Experiencing peace of mind is part of our human condition; believing that we have control over our lives. In actuality, we have…

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Tips For Positive Living When I Feel Stuck In Life


Do you feel it? There is a change in the air. The sun is a bit brighter and warmer, the air is losing its crispness, and the flowers are beginning to bloom! Where I live I know that Spring is coming by the position of the sun at sunset while I hear the cries of…

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How To Make A Resolution A Positive Goal


“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” – Peter Drucker As the new year began many of us made resolutions for ourselves with healthy living intentions. We resolved to make our life better, to be healthier, to be successful, overall to be different from who we’ve been. But now, as…

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Mary’s Example Of Faith And Trust – Christmas Eve

Mary’s Example Of Faith And Trust - Christmas Eve

As a child, I recall Christmas Eve as one of the longest days ever! As an adult, I find this day filled with anticipation and excitement, for spiritually I know that tomorrow we commemorate the birth of Jesus my Lord. But today the birth is not my focus, rather, my focus turns to His mother,…

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