How To Be Caring With People Not Feeling The Holiday Joy

How To Be Caring With People Not Feeling The Holiday Joy

I don’t think there is any other time of the year which evokes such strong emotions as does this time of the year. For some of us we are excited, joyous, filled with wonder and anticipation! We visit family and friends, host parties and gatherings, spreading joy everywhere we go! But yet there are some…

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6 Tips For Practicing Mindfulness When Upset

mindfulness in adversity

In an instant life can become hectic and chaotic. Just when we think we have life all figured out, and our path forward appears to be straight; adversity happens! All the talk of mindfulness, living in the moment, and meditation seem to fall short in light of the adversity and chaotic realities of life. Platitudes…

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Taking Time For Me Is Important And Possible

aircraft, life coaching, self-care

Taking care of oneself is key to finding inner peace, yet most of us don’t take the time to care for ourselves. Why is this? Most of us would probably respond that we don’t have the time, or that we feel selfish if we were to do things for yourself. Many of us put others’…

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How Love and Betrayal Are One

As I mentioned in my earlier post, Holy Week is a spiritual time for me filled with much emotion. The apostles who followed Jesus gave up their livelihood and families to follow a person whom they hoped was their longed-for messiah; the savior of the Jewish people. After spending much time with Jesus, the apostles…

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Trust is the meaning of Christmas Eve

reason for the season

Reason for the Season Christmas Eve, for me as a child, was one of the longest days ever! As an adult, I find this day to be one filled with anticipation and excitement, for spiritually I know that tomorrow we commemorate the birth of Jesus my Lord. But today the birth is not my focus, rather,…

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tips for finding hope in winter


“In winter we lead a more inward life. Our hearts are warm and cheery, like cottages under drifts, whose windows and doors are half concealed, but from whose chimneys the smoke cheerfully ascends.”  Henry David Thoreau My house after the first of two blizzards to hit in 2010 (credit: Blog Author) Today, our planet is…

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Tips For Helping Those Who Are Suffering During The Holidays

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To quote a popular song of the season: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” While this sentiment may be true for many of us, it is not necessarily the shared sentiment of everyone. As the end of the year mark’s a time for celebrations, holidays, and traditions which bring together families and spark…

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Coping with the stress of the holidays


“All we have is the present moment. Focus on it; don’t miss an experience by living outside of the current moment.” – Chris Shea This time of the year, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, is expected to typically be a time of joy, family gatherings, and the celebration of traditions. This is a time…

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Time May Change But Live in the Moment

time change

Many of us in the United States turned back the hands of time early this morning.  We have ended the period of Daylight Savings Time and are now on “normal”, called “standard” time.  Our ability to change time prompts a few questions for me, some mundane and some a bit more philosophical.  But, to stay…

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