Business Consulting

I have spent about 20 years serving as an executive and administrator for inpatient medical and clinical treatment facilities in the greater Baltimore metro area. While an administrator, I not only maintained the organization for proper client care, but I was also actively involved in national and state policy making and implementation. During my tenure,…

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autumn: learning from change

fall, autumn, life, journey, reflect, meditate, season, spirituality, God, Christ, Jesus, wonder, why, ponder, stress, anxiety

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 Fall scene in MA (credit: Blog author) Way back in the 1980’s I took this photo while I lived in a small town in western Massachusetts.  Most people I know tend to get excited, perk up, prepare for, and…

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Learning from the 9/11 attacks

9/11, peace, terror, anxiety, cope

World Trade Center “cross” 9/11/2001 Today we remember all those who lost their lives, and those families who lost loved ones in an attack on innocent lives. I recall that Tuesday morning in 2001 as if it were yesterday. My question now is the same as it was 15 years ago; how do I make…

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Kids Teach Us How to Find Peace

Have you ever thought to yourself: “I’m on a round object which is spinning and flying through space.” A few evenings ago as I was sitting outside reflecting on life, I noticed the movement of the stars and constellations over the hours I was outside. Then a thought hit me; we’re moving! I was sitting…

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coping with anxiety; a personal story

Ed note: I am pleased to present this post from guest blogger Ms. Amanda LePore. I have anxiety. It runs in my family, so I should have expected it (thanks a lot, genes!). Growing up, I felt that I wasn’t completely “normal.” (insert all the jokes about me being an “awkward weirdo” here) I mean,…

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Rest Stop (Fri) … freedom & hope is possible: here’s how


“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms…to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” – Viktor Frankl I’m writing this article while sitting at home on the 4th of July. Unfortunately, this summer holiday is being rained out in my part of the world.…

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Rest Stop (Sat) Lessons from the twigs

twigs close up

Recently, a storm came through my area bringing with it gusty winds and heavy rain. Where I live storms are commonplace especially in the spring. That period immediately following a rainstorm is one of my favorite times to go outside. If you have never experienced nature immediately following a rainstorm I strongly suggest you give…

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Rest Stop (Mother’s Day) … love

mom, mother, peace, zen, serenity, love, life, inspiration

“Let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.”  1 John 4: 7; 12 Today, in the United States,…

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Rest Stop (Friday) … Earth Day

earth, perspective, peace, serenity, hope

planet Earth from space (credit: unknown) Today is the annual celebration of Earth Day! It is a day for us to recall the natural gifts we have been given which nourish and sustain us. Whenever I see a picture of our planet, like the one here, I am astounded to realize that we are but travelers…

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Rest Stop (Easter) … is this real?

resurrection, Jesus, Easter, hope, life, change, perspective

He is risen! He is not in the tomb! Can this be true? Could Jesus rise from the dead!? This morning is the beginning of a new chapter for the apostles and for those who put faith in the person of Jesus.  The person whom they thought was dead is no longer in the tomb!…

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