Our Joyous Expectations of Newness for the New Year

marvin comic

Happy New Year 2017!!  Our expectations of newness for the year upon us is obvious. As I reflect on writing this post I realized that this time last week I gathered with family and friends to enjoy Christmas Day, while just last night I joined with family and friends watching the Times Square ball descend into a new year.  Many events happen in a short time period during the holiday season.  But what does it all mean? As I relax with a good cup of coffee on this first morning of the new year, I reread this Marvin comic I

happened upon a couple of years ago. When I think about it, what does make this morning any different from yesterday’s? It feels the same, I’m doing the same things, the people around me are the same, the scenery is the same, and yes, the smell is the same. But I am told that this morning is the start of a new year! New beginnings out of the old. New opportunities and adventures await me!  Ahhhh….. the promise of newness. But, as reflected in the comic, it doesn’t feel new. Does it feel or smell new to you? So, if this new year “smells” like last year should I feel cheated out of that new car smell experience?

One of the reasons for this comic’s relevance is that many of us place too high of expectations on ourselves, especially this time of the year. I am not speaking against resolutions in general, but are your resolutions and expectations reasonable? Challenging oneself can be a growth opportunity since through challenges and struggles we learn and grow. But what if you found yourself wanting more once you realized the new year didn’t smell any different from the old? What if you realize nothing has changed? For too many of us this is what happens along our journey. We expected a particular day to be one way, and when it wasn’t, we were disappointed.

blank page

In this new year, when our experiences may not smell as they “should” (according to how I feel they should smell), try to take a moment and look at your situation, the new year, and find a deeper reality. Look beyond yourself to other possibilities. Challenge yourself to learn something new about the world around you. In so doing, I have no doubt that your life’s journey will begin to take a new path.

May you all have a happy and blessed New year, filled with many new paths, adventures, and even new smells.

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Coping with the stress of the holidays


“All we have is the present moment. Focus on it; don’t miss an experience by living outside of the current moment.” – Chris Shea

This time of the year, between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, is expected to typically be a time of joy, family gatherings, and the celebration of traditions. This is a time of the year when I reflect upon my childhood memories; memories filled with awe and wonder as the world seemed to be magical. Unfortunately, this time of the year is also one of increased stress due to all the activities we feel we need to do. Our wish to make this time of the year “perfect” increases our expectations, many of them unreasonable, causing us to overwork in our planning efforts.

“Preparing Christmas” Norman Rockwell

As a child I fondly recall watching the animated Christmas specials and reading all the Christmas books I could find. All of those stories not only have a positive ending, most of them depict a time of perfection. In these stories families gather and get along with each other, the house is majestically decorated, the dining room table set to rival the fanciest restaurant. My favorite American painter, Norman Rockwell, painted scenes of American life; some showing pain and suffering, others idyllic life scenes. Rockwell’s holiday paintings are among my favorite as they depict a world I wish existed, although knowing that a perfect world doesn’t exist.

This longing of mine, like the desire and longing of many other people, is part of the cause of our stress during the holiday season. We tend to focus our attention on the remembrances of the past, coupled with fictional idealisms of the holiday, producing a desire to re-create what never was, nor most likely ever will be. The holidays, as we perceived them in childhood, cannot now be exactly reproduced through the perceptions of us as adults, nor can we expect to create an experience depicted in the controlled environment of scripts, actors, and a stage.

The issue that I encounter this time of the year is one of unrealistic expectations. Trying to re-create a “perfection” which cannot be created means that we will fall short in our attempt. If I fall short, then I must have failed. That is the perception of many people, propelling them forth to not “fail”, while “failing” is exactly what will happen when we pursue perfection.

We do have control over our feelings and our current moment. Let’s not lose the experience of what is currently happening by living in either the past or the future. Experience the present moment for what it is. As I recall my childhood memories of the holidays, I try to keep them focused in the experience of the moment. Don’t let an expectation of perfection cloud the beauty of the memory and of the feeling that memory is now producing in you. Enjoy the memory and the feeling without trying to do anything with or to it. It is. You are. Live the moment without expectation and you will find that the stress of perfection will fade.

This holiday season, here are the steps I am working on to keep myself as stress free as possible:

  1. Refocus expectations: Take time to reflect on your expectations, considering what is realistic and what is not realistic. For example, we may want a house decorated as we’ve seen in advertisements, but, no matter how hard we try it never looks as it does in the picture. If you reframe your expectation and perception, you would recognize that you haven’t failed, actually you created something unique, something that reflects you, not an ad.
  2. Change our perception: Changing the way we perceive ourselves will change our perception of our world. Therefore, changing our view of this time of the year will change our expectations and so reduce our stress. For example, if you are hosting family, and the reality is that your uncle always makes a fool of himself at these family gatherings, keep your perspective focused on reality. Plan for what you can in expectation of your uncle’s shenanigans, for when your uncle acts as he always acts, don’t let it stress you; he is only doing as you expected him to do (and you previously planned for it). At least he’s consistent.
  3. Learn from your past: It’s important to spend time reflecting on our past, honoring the memories for what they are, and sharing them with current family and friends. Our past has shaped who we are today. Use the lessons of the past to create a present moment of peace. The purpose of the past is not to be recreated in the present, but to be incorporated with the present. Take what was positive for you in the past and use it in the present. What wasn’t positive for you in the past, modify now in the present to be more positive. Our past was not perfect; don’t expect the present or the future to be perfect either.
  4. Simplify your life: Easier said than done, I know. But if you think about it, our material goods, although useful, can be a source of our stress when our focus emphasizes our “things”. Living simply means keeping a proper focus, or perspective, on what is truly important in your life. Keep your expectations and perceptions rooted on who we are, not on who you think you should be.

During this holiday time of the year, take the time to enjoy the wonders, joy, and magic of the season. Keep your perspective and expectations reasonable to reduce your stress. Most importantly, focus on what is truly important to you!

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Rest Stop … New Year 2016 is here!

New year, life, journey, Jesus, God, stress, anxiety, cope, meditate, spiritual, healing

Marvin New Year’s comic strip 2014

Happy New Year 2016!!  As I reflect on writing this post I realize that this time last week I gathered with family and friends to enjoy Christmas Day, while just last night I joined with family and friends watching the Times Square ball descend into a new year.  A lot seems to happen in a short time during the holiday season.  But what does it all mean?  As I relax with a good cup of coffee on this first morning of the new year, I reread this Marvin comic I came upon a couple of years ago as I feel it’s still perfect for today!  When you think about it, what makes this morning any different from yesterday’s morning?  It feels the same; I’m doing the same things, the people around me are the same, the scenery is the same, and yes, the smell is the same.  But I am told it is the start of a new year!  New beginnings from old.  New opportunities and adventures!  Ahhhh….. the promise of new.  But it doesn’t feel new.  Does it feel or smell new to you?  What is different today from yesterday? So, if this new year still “smells” like last year should I feel cheated out of that new car smell experience?

One of the reasons for this comic’s relevance is that many of us place too high of expectations on ourselves, especially this time of the year.  I am not saying that this is not a fine time for resolutions.  Of course it is!  But are your resolutions and expectations reasonable?   Challenging oneself can be a growth opportunity since through challenges, struggles, ups and downs, your goal may be achieved! Go for it!  But what if you found yourself wanting more once you realized the new year didn’t smell any different from the old?  What if you realize nothing has changed?  For too many of us this is what happens along our journey.  We expected a particular day to be one way, and when it wasn’t  we were disappointed.  But was your expectation realistic?

In a few days (January 6) I will be recalling the moment when the wise men arrived at the end of their journey searching for the newborn king, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  As with the wise men, when we journey toward our God, toward inner-peace, we can’t help but be changed.  When we truly seek to find greatness, we can’t help but to be changed by the greatness we sought.  How often do we feel disappointment at our journey’s end and respond by turning around and going home?  What if the wise men did the same?  They went beyond their own expectations and were open to a new way of looking at things.  They didn’t act upon what they thought, rather, they looked more deeply at the situation and recognized that their expectations were not correct.  Yes, it was a mighty king they found, but not how they imaged Him.  Yet that didn’t matter.  They learned to look at situations differently, not just from their own perspective   It is that shift in perceiving and thinking which allowed them to understand the present moment, and to be changed by the experience.

new year, resolutions, perspective, peace, joy, serenity

In this new year, when our experiences don’t smell as they “should” (according to how I feel they should smell), try to take a moment and look at your situation, the new year, and find the deeper reality.  Look beyond yourself to other possibilities.  Challenge yourself to learn something new about this world around us.  And in so doing, I have no doubt that your life’s journey will begin to take a new path.

May you all have a happy and blessed New year, filled with many new paths, adventures, and even new smells.

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